Monday, December 19, 2011

Arizona!!! At reception for my cousin Ladd

Yea I was a little bit bad and wasn't able to get pics of my cousin and his wife, they are so cute together though.

Dad (Russ) and Kate just chillin'

Just smiling for the camera

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nephew Davin

He has such a cute smile, Aahh I just want to hold him.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mom and Katie-Halloween

Katie is dressed up as Hermonie from Harry Potter and my mom a witch. They both look great.

Halloween Dancing

The two Anderson's in the singles ward almost dressing alike we both had green and black socks on. It was in a way funny!!!

A witch with some vines
A witch in the state of Texas ha ha
Had a Halloween dance last night, So much fun.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Davin's Blessing

I love this picture, great group of men right there. Love you!!!
What great looking grandparents with the newest addition to the Wallace Family Davin!!!
Ethan a little distracted and Davin but this is still the cutest picture ever with grandpa and grandma Wallace. I love this picture!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mom and Dad (Russ) with the missionaries

A little goofy picture
Elders Densley and Nelson. Nelson ate 20 tacos and Densley had 17. A lot of Tacos.
Elders showing their tags off

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ethan and Davin

Ethan and Davin, my cute little nephews!!! Sister-in-law Jenn in the background. I miss them.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My prayers with the Bull Family

I can't believe how much things have been happening.... first the accident with Amber now with Scott and Larrisa, heavenly father must know what he's doing or he does. I was in the temple today and put the names for Scott and Larissa, and Amber and was thinking to myself in the celestial room that Heavenly Father must make things happen for a reason and we don't always like it or agree with it but he does have his reasons, I only wish that it didn't have to be Scott and Larissa's disappointment and heartbroken situation they had to go through, I was hoping this one for them too, I love you guys and when the time comes you will be blessed beyond measure and make the best parents ever. And Amber my heck as good and sweet as she is why did she have to have that happen to her? I'm so happy though that she is doing so well and recovering from her injuries, It's not just a miracle but a blessing from God that she was able to heal as fast as she did. Love you Ryan and Amber. I'm so grateful though for the knowledge we have that families are forever. I was just telling one of my friends about these incidents that have happened and told her I don't know what I would feel or think if I didn't know what I did, It would be scary but awful feeling. My prayers will stay with you all and I love and miss you. My mom has also been torn about what's been happening, know that she loves and misses you all too.

A Birthday social for my friend Katie Horton

Hanging out with friends

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Family hanging out with Misty

Here we all are at Red Mango before this we went to "On the Border" which was really good. Russ (dad) is taking the picture by the way. We all had a great time.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Utah Fun with family/friends

Eric and Christy (Vineyard) Poole and I at Hogle Zoo.

Dad, Grandpa, and I

Hanging with family/friends at Manti Pageant

Tragen and I at his goodbye

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Davin is so cute!!!!

Nephew Davin, he liked my hat.

My nephew Davin and I

Friday, May 20, 2011

Katie goes now to High School ah scary!!!

Katie also got nominated for IMS Royalty (Irons Middle School) , didn't make it though.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Introducing Davin Ezra Wallace

Such a sweet baby I can't wait to see you. Love you Davin!!!
Look at how handsome this little boy is love you Ethan!!!
Look at these good looking guys how for cute!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Groundbreaking for new Lubbock chapel.

Katester and I with her friend Jaiden turning some dirt, It was windy and a little cold but all in all a very spiritual day.

Russ turning some dirt for the new chapel that will be built in Lubbock.

Katester's big banquet Night!!!

With one of her friends

Katester at her 8th grade banquet. Doesn't she just look wonderful and I'm so proud of her she went without a date and got asked but told the guy she couldn't date until she was 16. She is growing up to be a beautiful young lady, Love you Katester.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Texas Rodeo 2011

A little clip from the rodeo, a gunshot had gone off and scared me so I accidently stopped recording. haha, It was so much fun.
A bunch of friends and I at the rodeo, It was so much fun.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kyle with new companion

Look at the size of that thing. But I guess boys can eat right? Haha

Here's kyleman with his new companion from Arizona, they look alike a bit. They both have a love of football.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy 86th Birthday Grandpa

Our dear grandpa Anderson, we love you so much and appreciate the example you've all set for us grand kids and great-grand kids in our lives. You have always been there to love and listen to us when we've had struggles in our lives. I hope you know how special you are to all of us. Love you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mom's Prayers

My mom has gone in again today to see the doctor for her neck and back. She was so sore yesterday and will see how it is today. All of us fasted for her Sunday and since it is hard for me to fast, before I started it I prayed to Heavenly Father that I would not feel hungry so that I could do it, and for the rest of the day I was fine up until dinner. It was such a strength for me and I know that Heavenly Father will help you and strengthen you if you put your trust in him. I love you Mom!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Katie's track meet

Here's the katester running at her track meet. In the 100 meter run she got 4th place which is awesome considering she tripped on her feet, did very well on the 200 dash though and I'm sure the other one too we actually didn't see her tripping but some people told us. While she was running we noticed she runs just like Kyle did when he was on track, pretty funny to think but I'm sure my mom and I run like that too, I feel like that's how it is when I'm running, We swing our arms outside instead of inside if I'm right on that. Great job Katester we love you!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lecco Italy (Where Kyleman is at)

Here is a picture of where Kyle is at after being in Tuscany for about six months. Having a great time. His companion is from Albania. A little dead right now but is really pretty from what we hear from him.
Here is Kyle with a couple of other Elders they were on a hike and ran into this older man living there and taught him a few of the lessons. In the Alps Mountains