Saturday, April 30, 2011

Groundbreaking for new Lubbock chapel.

Katester and I with her friend Jaiden turning some dirt, It was windy and a little cold but all in all a very spiritual day.

Russ turning some dirt for the new chapel that will be built in Lubbock.

Katester's big banquet Night!!!

With one of her friends

Katester at her 8th grade banquet. Doesn't she just look wonderful and I'm so proud of her she went without a date and got asked but told the guy she couldn't date until she was 16. She is growing up to be a beautiful young lady, Love you Katester.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Texas Rodeo 2011

A little clip from the rodeo, a gunshot had gone off and scared me so I accidently stopped recording. haha, It was so much fun.
A bunch of friends and I at the rodeo, It was so much fun.