Saturday, September 4, 2010

Long lost missionary letter from India

So on August 24th I went to the church history library and wanted to copy something down that one of the young elders had read about in morning devotional and finding out that we are related because his I think 4th or 5th grandparents are James Chauncey Snow and Eliza Ann Carter which are 3rd great aunt and uncle to me and well of course to most all of you too. Anyways I looked it up which I thought while I was at it I would look up our great-great-great grandfather William Furlsbury Cater and what I found was a letter he had written to his brother Dominicus Carter while he was on his mission in India, it's about 5 pages long, but anyways I sent grandpa anderson and my dad a copy of it and come to find out grandpa anderson didn't know anything about it and so it was really neat for me to find something that Grandpa didn't have. I am so grateful that I was able to find this letter so as to have it for future generations and I know I was blessed in finding it and I figure that great-great-great grandfather Carter was preparing me to find it also. I love my ancestors and love them cause there helping me so there work can be done. The church is true!!!

1 comment:

Chas Hathaway said...

Wow! How cool! I'm a direct descendant of Dominicus Carter. I didn't even know there were missions in India back then, let alone that Dominicus's brother served there.

Is there any chance I could get a copy of the letter you found? I would love to read it! If it's too long to transcribe, a snapshot of the pages would work - or if it's on a website, a URL.

My email is

Thanks for mentioning this on your blog! I've got a ton of stuff on Dominicus Carter, but not the letter you refer to.

Just because I thought you'd like to see it, I posted everything I have about Dominicus and William's mom, Hannah Knight Libby (your great great great great grandma) on my blog.

You may already have all the stuff I posted, but I'm always looking for excuses to post family history stuff on my blog anyway, in case it helps someone else out.

Thanks again!
